QSL's for 3B6RF

         for all: 
- to:  Ambrosi Flütsch, HB9AGH
         Lerchenberg 29 
         CH-8046  Zurich 

- or to HB9AGH via Bureau

   for USA, Canada, Mexico:

   Steve Larson, N3SL
   22 N. Hidden Acres Dr.
   Sioux City, IA  51108

Direct deliveries has started on
6 August 2001

To keep costs at a minimum please use for the return to you a neutral envelope: No Airmal sign, no A-Post or similar, just put  you own address on it. Especially valid vor USA/Canada, Europe and Japan. Cards will be shipped anyhow by airmail!

Cards with no or insufficiant return postage (e.g. an airmail envelope plus 1 IRC or 1 US$)  will be confirmed via Bureau.
Minimum requirement for airmail envelope: 2 IRC or 2 US$ (for max. 20 g, or 2 QSL cards) Best Replica Watches

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